We would love the opportunity to personally, professionally, and spiritually coach, mentor, and help you create wealth God's way. Space is limited.
Why are we doing this?
The Black-White wealth gap has widened over the last 160 years...
Only 3% of Black US households earn over $350,000 a year compared to 15% for white households.
But that can change starting today.
In this 3-day challenge, we will personally show you:
Our simple 5-step process that's guaranteed to shorten your learning curve
How to avoid wasting money, burnout, divorce, and unnecessary debt
The strategies to earn a high six or seven-figure annual income
How to discover your life purpose and become a Kingdom Preneur
If You Want To Learn How To Get Rich, Wealthy, Successful, Increase Your Income, Improve Your Quality of Life, Increase Your Financial IQ, and Have Influence JUST LIKE WHITE AMERICA there are 11 Secrets, Strategies and Attributes that You Must Implement Immediately!
Your 3 Choices Are:
Stay AVERAGE! (Predictable)
Be OK! (Better off than someone lower-class than you)
BECOME EXTRAordinary! (Make History, Get Rich or Become Wealthy)
11 Reasons Why Black People ARE NOT As Successful As Other Cultures!
The Reasons Why Your Senior Pastor, Church or Small Group CANNOT Help You!
Why Being Middle-class Is Working Against You, and Is Causing You Financial Hardship!
If You Have NO DESIRE to Become Successful, Rich, Create Wealth or Discover Your Life Purpose, and You Are SATISFIED Just Going to Church, Working a Job, Being Middle-class and Are Ok With Your Current Lifestyle, and you ARE NOT willing to invest One Hour per Day for 3-Days, Please Click Off the Page Now!
For over three decades, Dr. Craig (Chief Kingdom Officer) and Dr. Darlene Ponder (President) have led Kingdom Leadership Business University, an accredited accelerated school of business, economics, and thoughts with a dominion worldview.
As founders of KLBU, they've dedicated their lives to one mission: helping African Americans, Christians, and middle-class families create wealth God's way.
"There's no such thing as a good or bad economy"
"We remember watching a Barrett Jackson car auction during the recession where people spent over $200 million in a weekend buying cars. That's when God revealed to us: there's no such thing as a good or bad economy—only the economy you create for yourself and your family."
Join Us For 1- Hour per Day for 3-Days For Strategies, Information, Impartation, Education and Revelation On How You Can Make 2025 Your Greatest Year Ever! Come With An Open Heart And Great Expectation To Achieve EXTRAORDINARY Success.
You get first in line access to watch and participate in our live sessions and our sessions fill up fast.
After you “Reserve Your Seat,” you must confirm your registration by completing a brief assessment.
Our live sessions will provide a lot of information, impartation, revelation and education.
11 Secrets, Strategies and Attributes that You Can Implement Immediately to Become Successful
Discover Your Identity, Purpose and Why God Really Created You
Learn Both the Blessing and Curse of Being Black and Who Is Really Taking Advantage of You and Why
3 Greatest Problems
3 Secrets of the Rich and Wealthy
5 Things that Determine Your Success
5 Most Common Lies to Become Successful
$120 Trillion Wealth Transfer Opportunity
7 Pillars of Life for Successful Living
3 Types of FREEDOM
5 Industries that Have Created More 6 Figure Income Earners and Millionaires
3 Fundamentals for an Extraordinary Life
7 Steps to Your Success
3 of the 13 Reasons Why Black People ARE NOT Successful As Other Cultures
SUPER-NATURAL Formula for Natural Success
How to Start, Grow or Scale Your Life, Income and Business
How to Make 2025 Your Greatest Year Ever and Become Successful
Our unique approach combines biblical principles with proven business strategies that have helped thousands:
Start, grow, and scale successful businesses
Create multiple streams of income
Build generational wealth
Discover their God-given purpose
Become Kingdom Preneurs
Do you want to learn how to become Successful, Create Wealth, and Accomplish Your Dreams, Vision and Prophetic Words, Quicker, Faster and Easier?
Register now for the challenge, space is limited!
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